If you’ve been wondering how to get the Ikonik skin for free, then you’ve come to the right place. In our site you can find plenty of skins for the Fortnite game that you can unlock. The best part, as if you have probably noticed is that you have the possibility to use this opportunity without paying any money.
One of the skins that we will be going through today is the Ikonik skin. Surely, it has caught your attention since its release and you must surely don’t want to purchase a code for it. In order to get the Ikonik skin for free, you could have visited a store that sells any of the Samsung phones and play the game from there.
The only way to do that now is to purchase a code on third party websites such as G2A. Luckily for you, you can have the Ikonik skin right away without investing any money.
How Do I Get The Ikonik Skin?
The steps are quite easy and it’s the same as for any other skin. Simply navigate to the website below and submit the form:
Once you do that, you will be receiving the code which can be redeemed directly into your Epic Games account. That’s all you have to do in order to add the Ikonik outfit (along with the Emote) into your inventory.
If you’re wondering why so many people have this skin lately, well it’s because they are using the above-mentioned method.
I should also point out that the website does not allow over-usage which means that you can only do once per 48 hours from your computer. That’s not valid for other skins though, so you can go ahead and get those that you don’t have! Additionally, you will not be required to provide your password or any information related to your account. Neither to download a modified version of the game or any additional software. You get a code for the skin on the spot.
It’s simple and easy to get the Ikonik skin for free in 2020 by using this guide. If you don’t wish to spend any money for it, then this is something you should definitely try this. If you perhaps already have the skin, then this will come as a great gift for someone that plays Fortnite.
Check out our other free fortnite skins that are available for you to get as well!
Make sure to also share it with your friends and family if you think that they will enjoy the Ikonik skin! Remember, no reselling though!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.